Cambodia Youth Volunteerカンボジアでのボランティア活動のご報告

Three Kinder Kids graduates visited Cambodia to do volunteer work

Cambodia Youth Volunteer 2019 2019年 8月19日(月) ~ 8月24日(土)の日程で、キンダーキッズ卒園生(Sさん、Hさん、Y君)の3名がボランティア活動のためカンボジアを訪問しました。Three Kinder Kids graduates visited Cambodia to do volunteer work between August 19th and August 24th.

現地ではカンボジア西部ポーサット州にある、キンダーキッズ保護者様のご支援で設立されたチャンスレー小学校を訪問したり、プノンペン市内にある日本語学校を訪問し日本語の先生になってもらったり、いろいろな事に挑戦をしました。 They visited Chanserrey Elementary School in Western Cambodia’s Pursat province, established by a donation from Kinder Kids students’ parents.They also visited a Japanese language school in Phnom Penh.


到着後はレストランで夕食をとり、明日からの活動に備えて早めに就寝しました。2日目はキンダーキッズが支援するチャンスレー小学校を訪問します。 They left in the early morning from Kansai International Airport, transited in Hanoi, then finally made it to Phnom Penh, Cambodia!
They had dinner after their arrival and got some rest before visiting Chanserrey Elementary School the next day.


簡単な自己紹介をクメール語でして、日本から持ってきたお菓子や長縄、ボールや折り紙などをプレゼントしました 園庭で、みんなでボールや長縄で遊び、折り紙で作った紙飛行機は大人気でした! On the second day, they left early to visit Chanserey Elementary School, which was established by Kinder Kids students’ parents, located in Western Cambodia’s Pursat province.
186 students from 4 to 14 years old study in this elementary school. Many students warmly welcomed them with applause.
They introduced ourselves in Cambodian and we handed some souvenirs such as Japanese snacks, skipping ropes, balls, and origami to the children. They were all a big hit, especially origami airplanes!


お昼ご飯も学生と一緒でしたが、となりの学生とおしゃべりしたり、SNSでお友達になったりと、早速仲良くなったようです! 午後のグループワークでは、日本とカンボジアの物価の違いや交通手段などを話し合い、グループごとに発表しました。 On the third day, they visited a Japanese language school located in Phnom Penh and taught Japanese to local students. Each Kinder Kids graduate had prepared their own presentation. They were; “Festivals in Osaka”, “Food in Osaka”, and “Disasters in Osaka”. The presentations were very well given and the local students enthusiastically enjoyed each one.
They ate together, had a chat with the local students, and exchanged contacts. They became close friends in such a short time! In the afternoon, they discussed differences in the cost of living and kinds of transportation and presented what they found/learned to the class.


4日目は、日本語学校の後に孤児院へ行きました。週に1度、ボランティアの方が日本語を教えていて「こんにちは!」と歓迎してくれました。日本から持って行った長縄やボールで遊び、日本のお菓子のプレゼントも喜んでもらえました。お礼に歌とダンスを披露してくれ、途中から一緒に踊ろう!と手を引かれみんなも踊りました。 On the day fourth, they visited an orphanage after visiting the Japanese school. Children in the orphanage warmly welcomed them, and surprisingly they said “Konnichiwa!”. The children were very happy to receive skipping ropes, balls and snacks from Japan. In return for the souvenirs, they performed dancing and singing for the Japanese students and asked them to join in, so they danced and sang together.


午後は事前に選択したグループに分かれて、王様が住んでいる王宮を見学し、カンボジアの文化を学んだ子もいれば、トゥールスレン虐殺博物館でカンボジアの歴史について学ぶ子達もいました。 On this day, they went to the biggest market in Cambodia. They tried durian, known as the “king of fruit”. Surprisingly, it tasted very sweet, although the smell was very strong. In the afternoon, they were divided into two groups. One group visited the Royal Palace where the King lives and learned about the culture. The other group visited Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and learned about its history.


昼食後、空港へ向かい搭乗し、ハノイ経由で日曜日の朝、無事関西国際空港に到着。みんな、1週間とっても頑張りました。お疲れさまでした! On the last day, they went to Aeon, the biggest shopping mall in Phnom Penh, and bought souvenirs for their family and friends.
On Sunday afternoon, they left Cambodia and arrived at Kansai International Airport. They had a very successful week! Good job everyone!

カンボジアボランティア 感想

(Sさん)カンボジアの子ども達や学生の勉強への熱意や習得速度に驚いて、自分も頑張らないといけないと思った! I was amazed by the Cambodian students’ enthusiasm for learning and how fast they can learn. I am very motivated by them.

(Hさん)日本ではあまり社交性が無かったけれど、カンボジアの子たちが積極的に自分と関わろうとしてくれて、自分も積極的になれた!I am not a very sociable person but the Cambodian children made such an effort to interact with me, that I was able to easily overcome my social awkwardness!

(Yさん)環境が整っていないところでもこんなに一生懸命なところが凄いと思った!I thought it was amazing that although the environment for studying is not very well developed, they study hard anyway.

【英検】公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会英検 for kids!
キンダーキッズ・インターナショナルスクール カンボジアに学校を キンダーキッズ・チャリティ